
Gents Among Men

Look Good, Live Well

Vardama | The Water Resistant Suit

Vardama | The Water Resistant Suit

How many times have you be in a crowded area and someone bumps into your arm and you end up spilling coffee on your suit or shirt? Hopefully this has not or will not ever happen to you, but if it did then you understand how difficult it is to get coffee stains out of garments. For those unfortunate occasions, hope had arrived. 

The company is called Vardama, and they’ve been working on developing the liquid-resistant menswear line for the past two years. Founders Jorge Vega Umana and Kaustubh Varma set out to find a special compound that would not only allow their designs to be water-repellent, but also make them feel breathable and functional for customers. 

imagesIt took over 100 prototypes, experiments, and products, before they finally discovered compound needed. They call it “Equa-Tek™,” and they regardless of the fabrication Equa-Tek™ treats each individual fibers at a “microscopic level” to make them water-resistant. In addition, It also makes the fabric less susceptible to visible staining due to perspiration.

Don’t think caring for these shirts will be any different based on its technology. The same rules apply towards cleaning your dress shirts, suits and ties: dry clean or launder your shirts, and dry clean your suit and ties.

Currently mens suiting and accessories are the core of the business, however the Vardama team hopes to expand the line by creating womenswear, kids clothing, workwear, and more. 

The price range of the Vardama collection range from prices ranging from $125 to $155 for shirts$695 to $1,800 for suits, and $49 to $89 for neckties.

The price range of the Vardama collection range from prices ranging from $125 to $155 for shirts$695 to $1,800 for suits, and $49 to $89 for neckties.
