#GentsUnited is a series created by Gents Among Men that is designed to highlight the various men and women who possess and display a creative sense of style and class. Here is Lawrence Jackson // @TheVintographer
What was or is your style influence?
I’d say I’m most influenced by vintage Black Fashion photos from the 1950s-80s. I mean, if you were to take a serious look at those guys and the culture in which they represented…You too will become influenced as well. They represented something more than what can be purchased in the store, they actually gave the garments meaning…and not in the reversed order. Very crisp, very stylish; Each era had its own staple culture but none would deviate from the concept of “Appearance is Paramount.”

A Gentleman is…?
A Gentleman is merely an idea or concept which can be altered to mean various different things according to who you are asking. I’d like to say that a gentleman was one who puts great emphasis of chivalry while others may put more attention on the outer appearance of the individual in reference to being a gentleman. A Man must be upright in his appearance and demeanor as well. What separates a “Man” from “Gentleman” is the individuals decision to internalize key elements of “self-care.” Maintaining a strong sense of self-representation at all times.
What quote do you live by?
“To inspire is to Stimulate”

How does your environment influence your style?
I’m torn between two different environments. While I’m currently experiencing the lag of “southern living,” I will always be a “cityslicker” at heart. I travel between three different cities at least 10 months out of the year; Montgomery, Al, Chicago,IL, and Atlanta, Ga. It enables me to stay current with the latest styles and trendy waves while maintaining a consistency with the vintage culture which permeates throughout the South.

What is your passion in Life?
That’s just it. My passion is to live. To experience. To Go. To travel. To lose. To Win. To love. To learn. I believe that you have to be passionate about living first. Helping others realize why living as “themselves” can actually benefit those who come in contact with them on the daily basis. It is an energy thing.
Website: http://thevintagevandalism.com/