Taking a page from Roger Moore’s classic James Bond film, Live and Let Die the world experienced last week the teaser poster for the new James Bond film, Spectre. The poster shows a muscular Bond (Daniel Craig) channeling Moore while holding a classic Walther PPK handgun, dark colored trousers, a cognac leather shoulder holsters, and a well fitted dark charcoal turtle neck. As subtle as this look may be, this poster made the internet go wild.

Once word got out that this dark grey turtleneck (now known as the Bond turtleneck) was up for purchasing by designer N.Peal in London, the sweater nearly disappeared from the company’s website. The 70% Cashmere, 30% Silk will set you back a few £200 but it is a great staple piece to have inside your closet.
I’ve come to love turtlenecks and found myself wearing them more often than my usual shirt and tie dress attire. While some people may argue that turtlenecks shouldn’t be considered as a substitute for the traditional shirt and tie combo (in the early 90’s some NY restaurants banned because they were seen as a direct violation of the shirt and tie dress code), I feel one should always use his or her’s best judgement when pulling off the ol’ roll neck in the office.
The new James Bond film will not be in theatres until later this year but Spring is here and while depending on where you are located across the globe, you can still gain some seasonal wear out of your beloved turtleneck.
Click to Purchase
All from Mr. Porter.com