
Gents Among Men

Look Good, Live Well

How to Battle Erectile Dysfunction

How to Battle Erectile Dysfunction

Love is in the air this time of year, but for men with Erectile Dysfunction (ED), it’s not always as romantic as it could be. According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, one in four men under the age of 40 experience this issue frequently having a direct impact on self-confidence and a person’s sex life. We identified some main causes behind ED and suggested ways to help treat it. First, it is important to understand that this is nothing to be embarrassed about, and experiencing erectile dysfunction is certainly not the end of the world. Help is on the way!


There are multiple ways that erectile dysfunction can creep into your life and many of which are preventative. It begins with the lifestyle choices that you make. This may not apply to all, but smoking cigarettes is something that you should stop immediately. Besides destroying your lungs and causing all different types of cancer, it assists in ED as well. It has toxic effects on the cardiovascular system which can limit the blood supply to the penis. Recreational drugs, antidepressants, and blood pressure medications are known to alter hormones, nerves, and blood circulation, which can increase your risk of ED.

While sometimes unavoidable, stress is another huge factor. This is often caused by work, relationships with friends and family, and money. Lack of sleep, energy, and exercise can decrease your sexual drive making it hard to perform.



The good news, there are several ways to overcome this issue. Managing your stress levels is vital in making sure you perform at your peak condition. Start by incorporating small changes in your lifestyle. Going to sleep earlier, taking small breaks at work, or going for a walk can help clear your mind, lower blood pressure, and improve your general mood. For those of you that are more tech savvy, Buddify is an app for your phone or tablet that helps you relax through meditation.

Another simple thing to try would be to switch up your diet. A study at Texas A&M University found that there was a correlation between watermelon and ED. Scientists have discovered that watermelon is packed with citrulline, which when consumed is converted into arginine. Arginine is an amino acid that works wonders on the heart and circulation system, and while maintaining a good immune system. It helps to increase blood flow and relax blood vessels. Pistachios are another food that improves cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure without any side effects.




It’s 2018, and there are new ways to go about getting medication to overcome ED as well. Men typically are known to avoid the doctor’s office, especially if there is shame or embarrassment when it comes to their sexual health. Hims is a company that allows you to connect with a team of doctors online to be prescribed Sildenafil (generic Viagara). After a few initial questions, it gets discreetly shipped to your house. Sildenafil helps to increase blood flow to the parts of the body that matter most for sexual performance. It has been proven to help guys with all forms of ED. No appointments at the doctor’s office or in-person discussions are necessary.

With that being said, there is hope for men out there with erectile dysfunction. Don’t let it get you down. Try these treatment methods and see how they are able to help you out.

